Rules for the Liebster Award:
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
- Answer the 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you.
- Create 11 questions for the people you will be giving the award to.
- Choose 11 people to award and send them a link to post. Go to their page and tell them.
- No tag backs.
11 Things About Me:
- I love to play board games.
- I like Stargate in the order of SG1, then Atlantis, then Universe (Yes, the order they came out).
- I need a coffee in the morning to function.
- My favourite dessert is Apple Turnovers.
- My boyfriend makes the best chocolate chip cookies.
- I drive a Smart car.
- My favourite colour is green.
- I'm trying to minimize my beauty collection.
- I'm saving up for a down payment for a house.
- I have a BlackBerry.
- I have tried multiple times, and failed, at trying to watch Twilight.
Here are the 11 Questions that Thinner Please asked me:
- Do you have a nickname? If so what is it? I have many nicknames. I go by Tash, Muscles, The Mazing, Puppy, Len, etc.
- Do you have a sport you like to play? I used to love to figure skate. I had to stop due to a back injury.
- What is your biggest fear? Being helpless.
- If you could have one wish, what would it be? Find out about some mysterious inheritance.
- What is your favourite food? I love ribs.
- When did you first start blogging? About 10 years ago I had a livejournal. That counts right?
- What's your earliest memory? I have a horrible memory...I remember being in daycare and hiding under the bridge so I didn't have to go back in after play time.
- Do you have any tattoos? If so, what and where are they? Nope. Nothing means enough to me.
- Do you like interacting with large groups of people? It depends on the people. I love presenting, I love performing, but if I have to have a conversation with people that bore me...just no.
- How do you spend the typical Saturday night? Under the blankets watching movies.
- What animal do you identify with? A lion. I am a Leo after all.
And the Liebster Award goes to...
Here are My Questions for You:
- Do you remember your dreams?
- Do you have pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?
- What was the last thing you laughed at?
- Do you like the snow?
- What is your zodiac sign?
- What is your favourite childhood cartoon?
- Where is your dream holiday destination?
- What are you addicted to?
- Do you keep your nails long or short?
- If you could look like any female celebrity, who would it be?
- What languages can you speak?